Category Archives: random


The exoneration of Kash Register and the problem of false eyewitness testimony..

This is a painful reminder of the flaws in our justice system. As good as it is, and a model for fairness in many ways, any system that enabled the jailing of innocent persons is in need of reform. I was glad to be able to serve on a jury, to bring what I thought was an honest balance of judgement to the jury. Too much deference to the opinions of one side or another can only lead to mistakes in judgement, both in the current case and in how future cases are pursued.

Mind over heart

This is a struggle that has gone on with me … This is mind over heart. The mind tells me one thing, the heart tells me something else. True no one actually saw him pull the trigger on the president, but his rifle’s there, his presence in the building were there. What he did after he left the building is known. Bus ride, taxi ride, boarding house, pick up the pistol, shoot the police officer. Eye witnesses there, five or six. You can’t set that aside just because he had said “I’m a patsy.” I’d love to do that but you can not in my mind set that aside. It’s good that people raise questions and say wait a minute let’s take a second look at this. I think that’s great. But when you take the second look and the third and the fortieth and the fiftieth, hey enough’s enough, it’s there, put it to rest
Robert Oswald