De-registering a BL102-2 handset without a base

The base for my BL102-2 handset recently died due to a power surge. Got a new one because I already had multiple handsets. Then I’m sitting there trying to figure out how to register the handset with the new base. When you have the base the handset is currently registered to it’s easy, there’s a menu option on the base. Without the base it’s, well, easy … if you can find the info.

For my own reference here’s the process:

  • press the [Menu] button, enter *7890#, press [Menu] again
  • you’re now in the system menu for the handset
  • scroll up twice to “REGISTER CLR” and press [Menu]
  • You should see a confirmation message, press [Menu] one last time.

Info found in the Q/A for the BL102-3 on Amazon.

‘Madison notes that people are so prone to factionalism that “where no substantial occasion presents itself, the most frivolous and fanciful distinctions have been sufficient to kindle their unfriendly passions and excite their most violent conflicts.”’

“‘Why are there so many people in line who need soup?’ The truth is, they need soup because they’re not paid enough…And so, you can scoop soup—or you can…pay people enough so they don’t fucking need to go to the soup kitchen to get their food.”