Category Archives: random


Companies Need To Pay People More.

Blodget is on a tirade about income inequality, or more specifically wage inequality. I hope some corporations get the message, but even so I suspect shareholders would revolt at a decrease in returns in order to pay fairer wages.


Why GitHubs CEO Ditched Its Divisive Meritocracy Rug – ReadWrite.

This is interesting. I’m not unaware of how privilege gives an advantage to those who have it, but I had not considered the corrupting influence it has on the idea of a meritocracy. I do not wish to imply that meritocracies are invalid. Certainly a meritocracy is a noble goal, but you do have to consider that the effect of privilege is to limit the opportunity of some to participate in the meritocracy.


Project Ara: Inside Google’s Bold Gambit to Make Smartphones Modular |

This project is a good interpretation of the PhoneBlocks concept. I’m particularly excited to see it being developed by a large handset maker, though the recent sale of the consumer phone side of the business doesn’t necessarily bode well for seeing a product result from the project. I’m also dubious that there is enough consumer demand for a modular phone (my own personal interest notwithstanding).


Now Antidepressant-Induced Chronic Depression Has a Name: Tardive Dysphoria | Psychology Today.

This is a rather disturbing read and should give pause to anyone thinking of taking antidepressants. The pharmaceutical industry should be called to task to answer to this information, though their response is all but assured to be naught but denial of such effects or even knowledge of such a possible outcome. The prerequisite to line their pockets makes the testimony of any representative of large business suspect (at best). I hope that additional information is forthcoming on this subject, we are the proverbial blind being led by the blind. Our understanding of the brain is woefully inadequate to our desire to control, or even just to tweak, it.