Gettin’ Lucky with a Bassoon and Theremin
via Boing Boing
â–¶ Richard Pryor Roast full 43:31 minutes (1977) – YouTube
The unedited roast was never broadcast, for reasons that’ll be obvious. It’s raucous but more or less clean until Richard gets up to respond and lays them the fuck out. It is glorious. -Tim Carmody on
Russia – Bird pooped on Putin at opening of WWI monument – YouTube
Yes, I know it’s fake, but I don’t care it’s perfect. Especially in conjunction with the following quote from Vox:
Putin warned that the lesson of WWI was — fair warning, irony is going to die forever at the end of this sentence — to avoid excessive ambitions in war.
Mr. Carroll said “that he could kill me at that very moment and no one could or would do anything about it as we were in Iraq,
Before Shooting in Iraq, a Warning on Blackwater –
I Liked Everything I Saw on Facebook for Two Days. Here’s What It Did to Me | Gadget Lab | WIRED.
What I find amazing is that as Honan “liked” more and more things he began to see less and less person updates. I guess it makes sense. Facebook bubbles up things it thinks you’re interested in and combines those updates with marketed posts. On average with Facebook I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re seeing more non-person updates than the other way around.
The infection of friends’ news feeds is probably the more surprising aspect. An area ripe for trouble-making no doubt.
Today, 47 states require companies to notify consumers of data thefts, including Kentucky, which enacted such a law this year.
via A Contrarian View on Data Breaches – WSJ (pay-walled, try accessing via google, plus there are lots of good responses there).
The idea that it’s O.K. not to notify consumers when their personal data has been stolen is a truly messed up way of looking at things and a perfect example of why government needs to get all up in business’s … uh … business. I can understand withholding information in some situations: ongoing criminal investigation, nation-state attacks on utilities, even breaches that caused a loss of intellectual property not relating to customer data. But once consumer data is involved it can mean a lot more of a headache for your customers than just replacing their credit card. Which, by the way, I’d be happy to do so as to avoid dealing with fraudulent charges should they appear. There is not only the risk of credit card fraud but also identity theft.
And if any company thinks they’ll be safer not notifying the public they’re in for a world of pain. Doing that means you have actively withheld information related to a crime (credit card fraud/identity theft, not your lame security). If you think that’s the way to go you should seek out the opinion the major automobile manufacturers.
â–¶ how to step out of a spinning car by Bruce Willis – YouTube.
Watched RED. So much awesome in that movie. Willis stepping out of a spinning car sets the tone perfectly.
Neither the cannons of construction nor any empirical analysis suggests that Congressional drafting is a perfectly harmonious, symmetrical and elegant endeavor. Sausage makers are indeed offended when their craft is linked to legislating.
Judge Andre Davis as quoted by E.J. Dionne JR. on The Diane Rehm Show, Conflicting Court Decisions On Federal Subsidies For Health Insurance.