Category Archives: random

I have no idea where this picture was taken. Possibly a butt-shot. Or, more likely, a randomly corrupted photo. I get them every now and then. Regardless, if I am unable to recover it’s always fun to see what a little auto-levels does. There’s always some kind of data in there, so you never know what you’re going to get.





Quote and Comment.

This is a great breakdown of a joke Obama gave and brilliantly demonstrates how comedy can expose the sad truths of our society. Equivalence in arguments is only valid in the games played be debate clubs. In the real world more weight should be given to the facts. Misguided attempts at providing equal opportunity to speak when one of the speakers is using falsehoods in their arguments benefit no one.


Washington Post.

An amazing article on the government turning its back on a successful health program. Not without hope of spurring similar innovation through other means, but when directed spending can make such innovation the norm it’s a shame to see the funding dropped.