Musk is an inspiration as an entrepreneur and, more generally, in his compassion for others. His business sense is incredibly prescient, focused , and purposeful. It’s amazing what he’s been able to accomplish, all while chasing his own dreams. And that those dreams include a humanitarian bent ( global warming, species survival) shows how grand his vision is.
Category Archives: random
Lunch with the FT: Cory Doctorow –
Doctorow is a fascinating person.
The NSA's Surveillance Is Unconstitutional.
In all the commentary on the data collection practices of the US government I’ve seen little breakdown of how it goes against the constitution. This is a nice overview of why this situation is troublesome when compared against this country’s founding principles.
In the House, a Refusal to Govern –
This is nothing if not a sign of people who have never wanted for anything, never been subjected to personal or institutional prejudices, and isolate themselves in a bubble that allows them no hint of how others live and die (even in their own communities). They claim a need for personal responsibility and freedom without realizing that the benefits they receive have given them an advantage over those who live without.
I would love to see people who would deny compassion and help to those less fortunate live for a year under the same conditions as those people. And yet, even then, they would not know the totality of experience the less fortunate have for they would have only experienced a year, and not a lifetime, of repression, contempt, and disadvantage.
White people killed Detroit –
If they aren’t able to work out a deal to consolidate with surrounding counties then the city should consider internal consolidation. Consolidate the citizenry in the middle and “abandon” the outskirts. Turn them into public parks or something similar. It would be the death knell of Detroit as a major metropolitan city, but it might give them a chance to rebuild.
I don’t know if this is advisable or even possible, but I think if the city works with its residents it could still make a go of it.
Daniel Ellsberg: NSA leaker Snowden made the right call – The Washington Post.
I’m glad Ellsberg made this statement. There is little chance that Snowden would receive fair treatment from a government that tries to squash leaks with such a heavy hand.
Crazy living rock is one of the weirdest creatures we’ve ever seen | Grist.
Nature just continuously finds ways to amaze … a “living rock!”
Militarized police overreach: “Oh, God, I thought they were going to shoot me next†–
The militarization of police is a disturbing trend. The fact that the police see nothing wrong with mistaken or overly violent raids is even more disturbing. It’s sad that even with highly public examples of militarization like the Occupy raids this issue gets almost no attention.
This country will see its death in the hunt for absolute security.
Life as a stay-at-home dad: Everyone I meet calls me a hero for taking care of my kids..
Truth. Beautiful, poignant, depressing truth.