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Category Archives: random
The NSA’s Secret Campaign to Crack, Undermine Internet Encryption – ProPublica.
This is … what the … I don’t even know!
Rubber-Suit Monsters Fade. Tiny Tokyos Relax. –
I’ve never really felt that you could replace an actor in a well-made costume with digital characters an have the same visual appeal. Perhaps on the low end, with movies like the Ultraman series, you can get away with the less natural “feel” of digitally-created characters. But in other situations (e.g. digital Jeff Bridges in Tron) the uncanny valley affect is too disruptive of story-telling.
Examples abound of incredibly compelling costumes (ser Pan’s Labrynth). Of course, costumes themselves will have a hard time competing with the beauty of a digital character. I think the best opportunity for directors to see their vision come to life is to use a hybrid approach, i.e. digitally enhance a costumed actor.
Someone you know ill? Watch what you say, and to whom – Los Angeles Times.
Good advice on how to talk to people about illness.
Comedy Central Shows: Colbert Nation Video:.
Nobody does faux consercative outrage and reporting better than Colbert. Except maybe Fox News on occasion.
This is pretty amazing, yet simple, tech. Sounds like a good option for limiting the spread of contamination.
This Is What It Looks Like Just Before the Muslim Brotherhood Jumps You – ANIMAL.
Photo-journos man, they’re crazy.