Engrossingly Gross Photos of Spiders and Insects Eating Each Other – Wired Science.
Assassin bugs decorate themselves with the corpses of their consumed prey.
Engrossingly Gross Photos of Spiders and Insects Eating Each Other – Wired Science.
Assassin bugs decorate themselves with the corpses of their consumed prey.
Awards they couldn’t accept: The tragic irony of Greenwald, Poitras and Snowden – Salon.com.
Today we stand at the crossroads of policy, where parliaments and presidents on every continent are grappling with how to bring meaningful oversight to the darkest corners of our national security bureaucracies. The stakes are high. James Madison warned that our freedoms are most likely to be abridged by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power.
Everything in this is funny to some degree, so watch the whole thing on YouTube. But by far the best moment is this one.
Why Marketers Fear The Female Geek | Howtonotsuckatgamedesign.com.
We have to got the backs of those who are driven. They will face a lot of backlash and rejection from the establishment and from the pampered male demographic, both seeing their way of doing things challenged and rejected, reacting with hostility.
The power of Bruce Lee’s philosophy is still inspiring. It’s amazing to think about his life and accomplishments, and to aspire to achieve even a fraction of what he did in such a short life.