Can You Spot the Snipers in These Photos? | VICE United States.
Amazing. I’ve always thought it would be interesting to train as a sniper, but I doubt I have the endurance or patience for it.
Can You Spot the Snipers in These Photos? | VICE United States.
Amazing. I’ve always thought it would be interesting to train as a sniper, but I doubt I have the endurance or patience for it.
The Myth of the “Self Made Man†| PRAGMATIC CAPITALISM.
Many people have made this point lately, but it’s good to remind people that you do not grow and develop and succeed in a vacuum.
I Was a Warehouse Wage Slave | Mother Jones.
This is utterly depressing and needs to be fixed. The least that could be is that these people could be paid a decent wage. Is it any wonder unions were formed. Cut-throat capitalism of the type that requires this kind of work environment damages our society. It valued profit at the expense of the poor.
This leaves and overwhelming sense of doom and sadness. The stories are like the prologue to Japanese horror (ghost stories) where the foundational prose sets you on edge before the action even begins, jumping at shadows and cowering in anticipation.
Via Wonkblog
Wealth does not make you smarter.
This is a beautiful distillation of the folly of the rich. I admire Mr. Winer for his ability to speak his mind clearly. He has a way with words. I’ve been lucky enough to meet him and see him participate in discussion. You might say his style of interaction is genuinely New York.
via â–¶ The Problem With Facebook – YouTube.
This is a great explanation of why I fundamentally dislike Facebook.
The beauty of social media is that it’s the user who gets to control the content, who they interact with, and how … but Facebook is taking control of what users see in order to make money from them.
But that doesn’t mean I’m not still on it. Ya know, in case I need to reach out to my best bud from 1st grade.
Tom Perkins and the Davos problem: It’s time to stop listening to rich people..
Good advice, it’s too ba it’s likely to be ignored. Money is power and influence. Even Obama, with incredible capacity to garner hope and grassroots support, has proven himself unable to remove himself from the solace and advice of the wealthy.
Google Glass user in Ohio theater suspected of piracy | Mobile Technology – InfoWorld.
Disregarding the legal issues, I find it completely ridiculous that the department of homeland security is charged with investigating copyright infringement at the level of a single instance of possible recording.
Engrossingly Gross Photos of Spiders and Insects Eating Each Other – Wired Science.
Assassin bugs decorate themselves with the corpses of their consumed prey.
Awards they couldn’t accept: The tragic irony of Greenwald, Poitras and Snowden –
Today we stand at the crossroads of policy, where parliaments and presidents on every continent are grappling with how to bring meaningful oversight to the darkest corners of our national security bureaucracies. The stakes are high. James Madison warned that our freedoms are most likely to be abridged by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power.